Going to be completely honest here, no feelings spared for me. When I was a JW, one of my biggest motivations for "reaching out" was to become a "somebody". I loved the idea of being a leader, teaching/training others. Unless I was somehow explaining something, or showing someone what to do, I didn't feel fulfilled.
Knowing these feelings in part, and amongst other reasons, I decided the best thing to do would be to wait until my motivations for "serving in the congregation" were more pure and less egotistical. Considering I'm not even a very proud person (actually suffered from inferiority complex deep down), this says a lot about many who do end up in positions of power. It makes me wonder how much is self-service?
I now know that these motivations were stimulated by other things that were missing/wrong in my life, and being a "leader" was just a cover-up.
Even after I left, I still had to cope with this delusional part of me that wanted to "show other people what to do" spiritually speaking. It's egotism in disguise! Some still don't even know they're doing it...